USB Mass Storage Device Class driver Introduction ============ USBMSD is a Class Driver for Mass Storage Devices. Copyrights and Licensing ======================== Copyright (c) 2020-2024 David Azarewicz All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 1992, 2000-2001 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved. Binary programs and documentation for the USB drivers are licensed to and distributed by Arca Noae, LLC. Important! By downloading or using this software, you acknowledge that you have read and consent to the license agreement contained in the separate License.txt file, that you understand it, and that you agree to be bound by its terms. Installation ============ This driver is installed during operating system installation. Getting Support and Reporting Problems ====================================== For more information and to report problems please visit: and click on SUPPORT. Or go directly to the USB support wiki at: Driver Command Line Options =========================== Option Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /V Display informational messages during boot. /BUFFER:n Sets transfer buffer size for LS and FS devices. /A_USAGE:n Sets A drive usage for the first floppy device: 0=do not make the first floppy device drive A:, 1=Make the first floppy device the A: drive. Note that this can render the device unusable if another device has already taken drive A: The default is 2 which makes the first floppy device drive A: if possible. /A_USAGE is equal to /A_USAGE:0 /GPT:n Sets how many of the REMOVABLES are reserved for GPT disks. Default=0. /MAX_FLOPPY /REMOVABLE_AS_FLOPPY /CHS /MS10_OFF /U Make unusable devices usable. Normally disks which are not MBR or wiped are marked unusable to prevent damaging them. This switch disables the check and makes all disks usable. For the following switches, USBMSD also parses the command line for USBFLPPY.ADD, USBRMV.ADD, USBHDD.ADD, USBCDROM.ADD, and USBOPTCL.ADD. If any of these switches are found on any of those drivers, they override the defaults in USBMSD and what is specified on the USBMSD command line. Warning: It is possible to set invalid and unsupported configurations by using these switches improperly. /FLOPPIES:n Default=0 /REMOVABLES:n Default=4 /FIXED_DISKS:n Default=0 /CDS:n Default=0 /OPTICALS:n Default=0 The number specified must be equal to or greater than the total number of logical units contained in all the devices for each category that you wish to attach at the same time. Larger numbers may negatively impact performance. Additional debugging options: /BP Execute an int 3 breakpoint immediately upon parsing this switch. /W Causes the debug buffer to wrap. The default is nowrap. /COM: Causes debug messages to be output to the specified serial port. 1=0x3f8, 2=0x2f8, 0xnnnn specifies the COM port base address. /BAUD: Sets the serial Port to the specified speed. Only valid if /COM is specified first.