How do I prevent items in my Startup folder from starting?

There are two different types of Startup folders available in ArcaOS:

  • the traditional Workplace Shell Startup folder, by default named “Startup” and located in the Computer folder on the desktop; and, if ArcaOS Desktop has been installed,
  • the ArcaOS Desktop Startup Folder (default name) which is created on the desktop when the Create ArcaOS Desktop Startup folder button has been used on the Startup page of the desktop Properties notebook (by default, this folder will present a status bar during desktop initialization).

The procedure for interrupting each of these is different.

To prevent the traditional Startup folder from processing its content during boot, edit CONFIG.SYS to change:


to read:


Reboot the system.

To stop the ArcaOS Desktop Startup Folder from processing its content:

At desktop init, before the wallpaper or any objects have been rendered, but just as the background color is presented, press and hold a <Shift> key to bring up the Startup panic dialog. Disable the folder processing from there.

Note that timing is critical for the keypress to be processed. Too soon, and IFX may interpret this as the menu request before the desktop is started; too late, and the Startup panic dialog will be missed. Also, generally, if the key is pressed during boot and then released and pressed again, it will be ignored. Likewise, if the key is pressed and held and another key is pressed, it will be ignored. (There are exceptions based upon what type of keyboard is attached to the system; these are general guidelines.)

These two types of folders (and there may be multiples of each type; these directions will stop all instances of either one from running) operate completely independent of one another.

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