I want to open a ticket for a problem with ArcaOS, but my version is not listed in the ticket dropdown. What should I do?

Per Reporting Problems – Best Practices, tickets should only be opened against current software. This includes ArcaOS itself. Once a new release of ArcaOS has been made generally available (GA), the previous version is retired from support.

The Version dropdown in the problem report page will only reflect supported versions of software. If you are using an older ArcaOS release, if possible, update to the latest and see if your problem has already been addressed. If not, proceed with opening a ticket for the issue against the current release.

We realize that this is not always practical, and we do make exceptions to this rule. If you cannot for some reason update to the latest release, please select the closest available version from the dropdown and add a comment in the Additional Information section as to which version you are using and why you have not updated to the latest shipping release.

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