What is the YUM-RPM Bootstrap, and why would I need it?

On systems with no existing RPM & YUM installation, ANPM should prompt to download and install the base package (the YUM-RPM Bootstrap) upon first program start. The bootstrap itself is a compressed archive of a basic Unix Compatibility Subsystem, with enough functionality for RPM and YUM to function, thus providing the required “back end” for ANPM to install, update, downgrade, and remove installed packages.

Once downloaded, you will be asked to select the drive to be designated as UNIXROOT, and the requisite directories and files contained in the bootstrap will be placed under the root of that volume.

ArcaOS includes a useful Unix Compatibility Subsystem, and does not require the bootstrap to be installed except in rare instances as directed by Support. Likewise, most later releases of eComStation already have a usable Unix Compatibility Subsystem. Early eCS versions and OS/2 Warp 4 which have not had a bootstrap applied to them will need this. Upon first run, ANPM will determine whether the bootstrap is needed, and will download and install it. The bootstrap does not need to be manually downloaded and extracted under any circumstances.

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